We are an advocacy group focused on educating our neighbors and working to hold local government officials accountable. We are a grassroots organization which takes a proactive approach to improving leadership and representation through increased transparency from our town elected officials. Please contact us at admin@concernedcitizensofactonmaine.com

Is it time for a Town Manager in Acton?
Is it time for Acton to invest in town owned equipment?
Is it time for a Public Works Department/Director?
Should the town spend more money to pave roads?
Why doesn’t the town follow the 5-year paving plan projected by the Road Commissioners?
Why has it taken over 10 years to complete the Town Hall repairs?
Why won’t the BOS release monies to stripe the sides of the roads for the safety of our elderly?
Is it time for a 5-member Board of Selectman?
Why has the Town of Acton employed the SAME Auditors for 20 YEARS?
Why can’t the BOS work with the volunteers who put hours into the Boards and Committees that help run Acton? See resignation rate: Road Committee, Planning Board, Mary Grant Committee, Rec Committee etc.
Why is bridge repair not a priority?
Why is rudeness by town officials tolerated?
Why does the BOS find it necessary to hold so many “Executive Sessions”? in the last 2 years there have been Executive Sessions at 62% of the last 98 Board Meetings!
What is the reason for the increase in the spending on town lawyer(s)?
Why is there no trust with Committee and Board Chairs regarding approved budget spending?
Why is Acton becoming an unpleasant/hostile workplace?
Why does the Town state they cannot get quotes for spending projects unless the town meeting VOTES an approximate dollar amount first?
Why doesn’t the town use the software purchased 2 years ago to evaluate the which roads are in the most need of repair, using traffic count, school bus routes, condition of asphalt, shoulders, etc.?
Why wasn’t the public allowed to speak at the PUBLIC HEARING of the ZBA? Maine State Law states at a public hearing: residents, mon-residents, taxpayers, and non-taxpayers can speak!
Why are there no longer Selectman hours for citizens to meet with them and voice concerns?
Why is there a 3-minute time limit on citizens to voice concerns at Board of Selectman meetings?
Why did the Board of Selectman cut annual donations to the local Acton Lake Association? Considering approximately 85% of Acton tax monies come from the LAKE HOMEOWNERS don’t you think lake people/out of towners are entitled to some monetary help with keeping Acton’s lakes in pristine condition?

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